Saturday, March 06, 2004

Northern Alliance Radio Is On the Air

The grand experiment begins at 12 Noon today, broadcasting locally at 1280 AM The Patriot.

For quality control purposes, we've been in the studio since last November and have already taped the first 33 shows in advance. Yes, this may hurt our spontaneity and ability to cover breaking news. For instance, hour 2 today is hosted by the Power Line guys and entitled "Is Howard Dean Unstoppable?"

On the positive side, this will allow us to edit out any gratuitous obscenity, violence, and nudity. We care about the listeners and our solemn pledge to you is that any obscenity, violence, and nudity will be integral to the plot. The first instances of each occur at around 2:30 today, when Atomizer recreates his favorite scene from Caligula as a symbolic protest to something Laura Billings wrote about how people from the suburbs shouldn't be allowed to shop on Grand Avenue.

As a little teaser, here's a transcript of the first 30 seconds of today's show. Our guest for the entire hour will be blog reader James Phillips:

James Phillips:  Hi, first-time caller, non-time listener.

The Elder: To what?

JP: Your radio show.

Elder: Oh.

JP: So ... whatcha doin'?

Elder: Radio show.  You called me.

JP: Me?  In California?  Why?, I can't hear you.

Elder: Don't worry, you ain't missing much.

JP: Whatcha talkin "aboooot".

Elder: That's not funny.

JP: Neither's your show.

Elder: I know.

JP: So what do you think of Bartolo Colon?

Elder: He'll probably help the Angels

JP: Thanks, Bye.

Needless to say, we've already sent copies of this tape to both the Museum of Radio Broadcasting and the Peabody Award Selection Committee. Feel free to roll tape on your own, so you can have someting to pass down to the grandkids as well. But in case you miss anything, full written transcripts for any hour can be purchased for $75 from Patrick Campion Transcribing Services, Ltd.

And now you know the rest of the story. (Anyone know if that phrase is copyrighted yet?)

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