Wednesday, May 26, 2004

And You Think YOU Had A Bad Day...

I felt a twinge of empathy when reading this piece regarding President Nixon's state of mind on October 11, 1973:

...U.S.-Soviet tensions were peaking over the Arab-Israeli war, and British Prime Minister Edward Heath's office called the White House just before 8 p.m. to ask to speak with Nixon.

"Can we tell them no?" Kissinger asked his assistant, Brent Scowcroft, who had told him of the urgent request. "When I talked to the president, he was loaded."

Egypt and Syria were blasting the Israelis, General Secretary Brezhnev was hopping mad, Vice President Spiro Agnew had just resigned and Prime Minister Heath was on the horn trying to reach President Nixon was holed up in the Oval Office with a bottle of scotch drinking himself silly.


You can bet that any cigars he had that day went nowhere near any chubby beret-wearing interns.

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