As regularly reported here and on Northern Alliance Radio, Brian Lambert (entertainment columnist for the Pioneer Press) is the epitome of media bias in the Twin Cities. He's an entrenched mainstream media institution, he's assigned to a nonpolitical beat (TV and radio), and he injects highly politicized opinion into nearly every story he writes.
These particular characteristics aren't rare in the media. But what makes Lambert the most reprehensible example is that his role happens to be the paper's one and only staff expert on the media. What he says is the official voice of truth as far as the Pioneer Press is concerned. And , conveniently, he consistently denies any liberal bias exists in the media. In fact, he regularly mocks the notion. In Lambert's world, if any media bias exists, it's of a conservative nature.
Keep this in mind when you read this Lambert paragraph. It's from an article congratulating the mainstream media for playing up the Iraqi prisoner abuse story while downplaying the beheading of Nick Berg:
In a world saturated with cameras, this cavalcade of shocking imagery isn't stopping anytime soon, if ever. But the context, the war on Iraq and the response by terrorist groups, meant the imagery was indisputably newsworthy.
Lambert shamelessly inserting his own opinion that the US is to blame for being the aggressors in the war on terrorism, and the terrorists are just reasonably reacting to our provocation.
It's hard to believe any American could feel this way. Sure, you hear radical academics, far left politicians, and Yasser Arafat- types disseminating this line of morally-confused BS. But, to have this theory slyly slipped into the entertainment column of my local newspaper? Call me crazy, but that seems like a certain political bias in reporting.
Knowing how Lambert feels about the war (America started it, the terrorists are now responding), how can anyone then take seriously his hyperbolic criticisms of local media outlets who have taken a stance contrary to his own? As an example, here?s his even handed, dispassionate description of the decision by the KQRS morning show to play the Nick Berg beheading audio:
A local example of calculated cloddishness was KQRS polling its radio listeners Wednesday morning on whether they wanted to hear the death screams on the beheading video, something every reputable news outlet refused to broadcast. Not surprisingly, a 4-to-1 majority of "The Morning Show's" fans were eager for it. In case you wonder where KQ is coming from with a stunt like that, the station's Web site directs you to links to the site of Sen. James Inhofe, R-Okla., who made official Tuesday the current talk radio line that real patriots are "outraged by the outrage" over the abuse photos.
I suppose it's just a coincidence that KQRS and its listeners generally support the troops and the US efforts in the war on terrorism, yet Lambert feels they are "calculated clods" who are "eager" to hear a death scream "stunt"? Since I'm listening to a replay of the scholarly, well-reputed Dennis Prager right now on the Patriot (a show on which he also played the shocking, clarifying Berg audio), I have to wonder at Lambert's assertion that it's "something every reputable news outlet refused to broadcast." Does Lambert not know Dennis Prager aired this audio? Or is he slyly slurring conservative Dennis Prager and all other Conservative radio shows that played it as ill-reputed?
I think we know the answer to that. Day in and day out he's unabashedly attempting to score political points for the Democratic party and running down conservatives, all under the guise of being a journalist, with the official sanction of the supposed objective filter of information that is the daily local newspaper. Lambert's a fraud and he's proud of it. I submit that his self-knowledge is betrayed in the smirking countenance featured in his column photo. Simply put, Brian Lambert's career as a journalist is a bad joke that never ends.
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