Talk About A Special Session
I didn't have a chance to share my thoughts earlier on the story of Minnesota DFL legislators boozing it up in their offices while the people's business was being conducted. Obviously drinking is not in and of itself necessarily a bad thing. Heck, even a few of us fellows here at Fraters have been known to knock back a couple now and again. But there is obviously a time and place for it. Drinking while on the job is simply not acceptable.
I have nothing against someone having a beer or glass of wine at lunch during work. Personally I prefer not to, as alcohol tends to sap my motivation. It's hard enough for me to get back to work after a hearty lunch, adding a beer to the mix would make it impossible. If I'm drinking anything while working it's coffee. Sweet, sweet coffee the magic elixir of life.
There's also nothing necessarily wrong with drinking at the workplace (I speak here as an employee only). I've had a well deserved beer or two on occasion after a hard day of work, usually involving a special project where you work longer hours. But always after the work is done.
I am also aware that politics and drinking are not strangers. I've been to enough conventions and election night affairs to know that most of the best political conversations and insights are shared over a cocktail. It's all part of the game.
But not while you're debating the pressing the issues of the day, discussing compromises, and casting votes. One of the yahoo legislators in this case was actually kicking back and drinking while voting was being conducted on the floor. As a representative you have a responsibility to your constitutes to perform your duties to the best of your abilities. You cannot allow your faculties and judgment to be impaired by alcohol .
The other disturbing aspect of this story was the fact that most of the drinking taking place in the legislative offices was being done by lobbyists. I usually tend to dismiss the claims that lobbyists run the government and they're ruining democracy, blah, blah, blah, but the idea of a pack of cackling lobbyists sitting around and pounding wine coolers in the office of the Senate Majority Whip while she's on the floor gives one pause. That's just a little bit too cozy for my comfort.
I also believe that it's against the law in our fair state for a lobbyist to so much as buy lunch for a legislator. I wonder if the same legislation covers attempts to ply them with alcohol. Which brings us to an interesting question. Who was picking up the tab for all this hooch anyway? Lobbyists? Staffers? The legislators themselves?
This is gonna be a fun one to follow as it unfolds. But don't expect any in-depth reporting from the Star Tribune. Today's story on the affair, which Saint Paul linked to, was buried on page B6 in the Metro section. Of course they would treated the story in the same manner if it involved Republican legislators right? Yeah right.
If the DFL is looking for a new theme song for this year's election I might suggest a BTO classic. They're taking what they're given, 'cause they're Drinking For a Livin'.
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