The crime situation in Minneapolis appears to be getting out of control. Make that EVEN MORE out of control. Man shot during Uptown robbery in critical condition:
A 25-year-old man is in critical condition after he was shot during a robbery Saturday in Minneapolis' Uptown area.
Police said the man, whose identity was not released, and his mother, sister and a friend were walking to their car when two men approached them about 9:55 p.m. in the 3100 block of Girard Avenue S. in the Carag neighborhood. The group had just come from a restaurant at Lake Street and Hennepin Avenue.
Police said the suspects demanded the mother's purse. She obliged and there was no struggle or resistance, but one suspect then shot the man, police said.
For those of you outside the Twin Cities, Uptown is the kind of place where arty Bohemians mingle with cool hipsters and punks looking for something (anything) to rebel against. Its many restaurants, bars, clubs, unique shops, and proximity to the Chain of Lakes make it a popular destination for both Twin Cities residents and out of town visitors.
Until recently, it has been a relatively safe place. That seems to be changing:
Robberies have increased 39 percent citywide in the first 2½ months of 2006 compared with the same time last year, according to statistics released last week. There were 100 robberies reported in the Fifth Precinct this year compared with 60 at this time last year, Arneson said. A robbery task force is investigating the crimes, and patrols have been stepped up, she said.
This could be the tipping point in the recent crime wave that is sweeping over the city of Minneapolis. In the last few years, Downtown Minneapolis has slowly but surely been lost. At night, even on the busiest streets, you don't feel safe. The police presence is spotty at best and you can walk for blocks on a Saturday evening and see nary a cop. It's not exactly an inviting atmosphere.
Before you dismiss my fears as merely suburban paranoia about the "big city", consider that I've lived in the Twin Cities almost my entire life and I've often enjoyed frequenting Downtown Minneapolis. Presently, I live a mere ten minutes from Downtown and love the vitality and energy of the city. But something has changed in the last five years. And it's not a change for the good.
As lamentable as losing Downtown is, it's nothing compared to losing Uptown. If the City of Minneapolis is unable to regain control of the Uptown area, you might as well shut 'er down. Because the Uptown area is the crown jewel of the city. It's THE place to hang out. THE place to live. THE place to drink, eat, walk, run, swim, listen to music, etc. Sure other neighbors offer all of that as well, but none combine it in the perfect package that Uptown serves up. For many suburbanites and visitors, Uptown is Minneapolis. So goes Uptown, so goes the city.
If the Minneapolis Police have any hope of turning back the tide, the place to begin is Uptown. They must win back Uptown and they must win it back now.
Until then, they offer this advice:
Safety tips from police include traveling in groups, parking in lighted areas, carrying a cell phone, avoiding intoxication and not fighting back.
Sounds like a fun way to spend a Saturday night, don't it? Personally, I would think that if you're going to be in Uptown after dark anytime soon, you might want to consider some personal protection. And I ain't talking pepper spray either.
For more on this story and the rise of crime in Minneapolis, check out Rambix and the Red Star.
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