We are LIVE from the Republican Party headquarters in St. Paul. An impromptu meeting of the blogging elite has been called to meet with RNC National Chairman Ken Mehlman and the Minnesota State Republican Chairman - whatever his name is.
Not sure why we're here, but I'm hoping its the receipt of talking points. As you may have noticed, my posting of late has been light.
UPDATE: Red carpet reporting as the Blogerati begin to file in -
Capt. Ed. Morrissey (hurraah - the crowd goes wild!!)
Michael Brodkorb, aka MDE
Andy from Residual Forces nd Kennedy vs. Machine
Two guys I don't recognize and have never heard of (something like Midge Burke? Jokes - he's not here! Among the two unknown guys, one has a beard and a lap top. The other, no distinguishing marks whatsover - though he hasn't yet taken off his shirt, developing).
UPDATE: Preliminary buzz among the bloggers - will we all get towed? No one quite knows the policies of the builing management, other than the rather stern warning posted in the elevator about GETTING TOWED unless you have the proper designations and licenses posted in your window.
All I know is if this crew gets towed, we'll be taking it to the street! That is walking home. I live in St. Paul, so that's not so bad.
UPDATE: Gary Matthew Miller from KvM arrives. Glad handing and back slapping like he owns the place. If so, I hope he doesn't tow me.
UPDATE: But he's quickly overshadowed and dismissed by the star of the show Ken Mehlman! Firm handshake, makes good eye contact, he's not the RNC chairman for nuthin.
UPDATE: Breaking news, the Chairman of the state GOP is named Ron Carey. And not the guy from Barney Miller.
UPDATE: Ken Mehlman's entourage out numbers the bloggers.
UPDATE: Ken Mehlman talking now. Metaphor about downloading songs and politial participation. Lesson I take from it - it's hard to listen and live blog.
UPDATE: "blogging is the future of political communication" - I heard that! I'd take my shirt off and whoop, if it wasn't for all of my distinguishing characteristics.
UPDATE: "The Minnesota Media can't always be counted on to play it down the middle" - his understatement indicates he's not from these parts.
UPDATE: It's 5:34. I don't think there are going to be any donuts.
UPDATE: Ken Mehlman notes that no sitting President had ever won re-election with a "right track" poll number below some level that Bush slipped below. He rhetorically asks "why"? I shout "he stole it!?
After the gales of laughter, it is explained because the election was a choice, not a referendum. That is not a judgment on the past 4 years, rather Bush was preferred by a majority over the other choice - that dull, windsurfing guy.
UPDATE: Real news - Mehlman suspects Republicans will lose seats in Congress/Senate in 2006, but retain enough to hold majorities. If I were an MSM headline writer, tomorrow's edition in 8 inch scare font: MEHLMAN CALLS REPUBLICANS LOSERS
UPDATE: More talk of potential pick ups in the Senate (Floriday, Maryland, Michigan?) Notes the increase in African American Rebublican candidates in 2006. Says, although Howard Dean refuses to debate him on TV, they occasionally talk off the record, about family stuff, moving to DC - he's apparently a "nice guy." (Heeeeaaaaahhh!)
UPDATE: Andy asks if there is a "clearinghouse of information available for bloggers regarding positive things about Republicans" He's solicitiing talking points! Good man! Response is unfortunately non-commital.
UPDATE: It's wrapping up, people are bleeding away, Mehlman has left the building, and that's it! Off to find my car and maybe some donuts.
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