Is this guy the perfect poster boy for the effete, pseudo-intellectual, collectivist-minded, wussy, vegan, urban leftist or what?
The story is a pretty good hoot too because this precious lefty is being hoisted by his own retard for being insufficiently sensitive to minorities in teaching his silly little race/class/gender classes at Hamline University. Look at that picture once again. THAT guy isn't sensitive?
I'm sure the bullies had their way with the poor guy in school and this is his chance to lash out at society for Mean People Sucking and all, but surely a man with his leftist pedigree didn't expect to be accused of anything so vile as insensitivity.
Even more to the point, his activism on social justice issues goes back more than two decades. As an undergrad at Fordham University he helped lead protests against CIA policies in South America and the apartheid regime in South Africa. More recently, he's organized support for striking faculty members at the University of Hawaii at Manoa (where he received his doctorate in sociology in 2004) and walked picket lines in solidarity with Northwest Airlines employees. He is a strident lefty--as appalled by Bill Clinton as by George W. Bush. The kind of guy who would be proud to land on conservative activist David Horowitz's list of the most dangerous academics in America.
So what did the little guy do to be accused of such thought crimes?
At one point, Philion recounts, in defending his teaching methodology, he told the students that he rejected the "smorgasbord" approach to teaching race relations, whereby each ethnicity is given equal class time. This only landed him in further hot water, however, when the students complained that he was equating racism with food.
No Racism For Food--has a nice ring to it.
Read it all and enjoy the delicious irony of a lefty being nailed for not adopting a mindset he helped create and foster.
And here's the Van Driessen reference for those of you who don't watch Great Television.
UPDATE: I missed this little nugget on my first reading of the piece:
Philion has since secured a tenure-track position at St. Cloud State University, where he'll begin teaching next fall. His experience at Hamline has left him bitter and angry. He believes the experiences of himself and Markowitz are part of an organized campaign.
They'll give dang near anybody tenure there.
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