Friday, September 15, 2006

Classic 'Za

What are you doing for lunch next Tuesday? If you happen to be anywhere near the University of Minnesota, you may want to drop by the Law School and catch a free speech by Victor Davis Hanson on "Why We Must Stay the Course in Iraq":

Featuring one of America's most renowned historians, Victor Davis Hanson. University of Minnesota Law School, Room 25. Free and open to the public, made possible by Tocqueville Center for the Study of Liberty and Free Institutions, Federalist Society, Students for a Conservative Voice, and AM1280 The Patriot.

That's next Tuesday, September 19th from 12:15pm-1:30pm. I also understand that there pizza available for all attendees. Free VDH and free pizza, does it get any better?

Professor Hanson will also be appearing tomorrow at 2pm on NARN Volume II a.k.a. "Mitch & Ed In the Middle" on AM-1280 The Patriot.

On NARN Volume 1, we're trying to line up Tony Snow to come on and discuss the battle over the administration's request for Congressional approval of powers to interrogate and try suspected terrorists, including Tony's personal desire for the extraordinary rendition of Helen Thomas (I jest of course).

You can listen to all six, yes SIX, hours of the Northern Alliance Radio Network tomorrow from 11am-5pm live on AM1280 WWTC on the internet as Steven from Brooklyn does:

Just a little shout out from deep within the Democrat Numb Zone (the DNZ). your blog is great, as is your voice (perspective) on The Patriot, which I listen to streamed (the DNZ seems to be allowing it to come through, at least for the moment...), and on those Podcasts (that haven't been posted since the Fair--what's up with that)?

The thing I don't get is, I don't hear any views from you, or the Powerline guys, etc., that strike me as particularly "Right Wing." Did the Center, as I understood it, move to the right, or did the Right move to the center?

John has been slacking on getting the podcasts up at Power Line, but you can listen to the first hour of last Saturday's show, when we interviewed Michele Bachmann and Congressman Pete Hoekstra (Chairman of the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence and Detroit Tigers fan) here.

The second hour, when we interviewed Thomas P.M. Barnett, has already been posted and is available for downloading here.

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