Thursday, September 14, 2006

Phoning It In

It's over. The jig is up. The code has been broken. The curtain has been pulled back.

Yes, I am sorry to report that the real secret of the Republican success of the last three electoral cycles has finally been uncovered. And it has nothing to do with better candidates, better issues, and better messaging either. Nope, the folks at have finally unraveled the method behind Karl Rove's madness:

He calls voters first.

Armed with this priceless nugget of information they are planning to steal a march on Rove's Republican machine and seize the day as detailed in an e-mail sent yesterday:

To win back Congress, we've got to beat Karl Rove to the punch by reaching voters first,. We're going to call thousands of key voters this weekend from Call for Change house parties nationwide. Join us at a party in the Minneapolis area?

Call for Change is our secret weapon--volunteers like you making 5 million calls to the most critical voters in the most critical districts. Real human contact from people who actually care--it's Karl Rove's worst nightmare. We tested Call for Change in special elections and primaries earlier this year and the results were clear: these calls gave a bigger boost to voter turnout than any volunteer phonebank ever studied!

We're getting together this weekend in Minneapolis (and lots of other places around the country) to call voters in key districts BEFORE Karl Rove gets to them. It's pretty easy to do, and fun in a group. The more of us, the merrier--I hope you can come. Congress is on the line, and it'll take every last one of us to win this fall.

Damnit. We would've gotten away with it again if it hadn't been for those meddling kids.

By the way, "real human contact from people who actually care" is not Karl Rove's worst nightmare. It's a dry turkey sandwich.

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