Being a former radio personality, I have been asked recently what I think of the new Jason Lewis program on KTLK. So, for the past week I have been listening (sorry Hugh but 1280's signal barely makes it to Bloomington, let alone SE MN) and here are some conclusions.
1. There are ALOT of commercials! I heard Jason say the other day that they are planning on re-jiggering things somewhat and I hope that means less spots because it seemed like every time he had any momentum going it was interrupted by a blaring ad.
2. Do we really need the news at the top AND bottom of the hour? This cuts into program time that could be better utilized. Anyone who wants news can find it in one click of a button so why stick it in the middle of an opinion program?
3. Jason clearly listens to Rush before his program. If you listen to Rush and Jason in the same day it's hard to miss Jason's borrowing of ideas, phrases and topics. Jason, stop listening to Rush!
4. Jason ignores bloggers. Ignoring bloggers is usually a good idea, but he spent a good deal of time discussing Hakim Ellision and not once cited Powerline as the source for much of the material he was repeating. Lame. Wake up Jason, blogs aint goin' nowhere and they aren't the competition.
5. Jason still isn't funny. So why does he continue to try?
6. Overall, I enjoy the show quite a bit. Jason hits hard and pulls no punches with the MN left. A few changes here and there and it will be even better.
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