Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Everybody's A Comedian

Franken touts candidate at events:

Al Franken put aside most of the jokes Tuesday for a duet of college appearances on behalf of congressional candidate Patty Wetterling.

Fortunately Wetterling and her supporters picked up the slack for Al and delivered a couple of classic knee slappers:

Wetterling, a St. Joseph child safety advocate, talked about her work lobbying for state and federal laws to track sex offenders and notify the public when a child is kidnapped or a sex offender is moving into a community.

She also mentioned the national attention her campaign has received since she began calling for an independent investigation into the congressional scandal and for the resignations of anyone involved in covering it up.

"It was a risk to speak up," she said. "But we cannot tolerate it on a community level and we cannot hold Congress to a lower standard."

Yeah Patty you really went out on a limb there, didn't you? Speaking up against a twisted old fruit hitting on teenage boys and the alleged covering up of said conduct was quite the brave stand to take.

Wetterling has spent a lot of time on campus at the College of St. Benedict, and College Democrats are excited about her candidacy, said Vanessa Williams, 19, co-chairwoman of the group.

"Patty has a real record of going to Washington and getting things done," she said.

I imagine that one brought the house down. A real record of doing what?

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