Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Muddying The Waters

We continue our official election endorsements today with the all important Hennepin County Soil & Water Conservation District races. Near as I can tell, there are two seats open in this election cycle.

Soil and water supervisor Seat 2 with candidates Dan Flo, Ernest K Lehmann, and Phil Willkie. Dan Flo is the incumbent and has a perfect name for a position involving water. Normally our inclination (and lazy nature) would be to say go with Flo.

However, further research has revealed that there is a better choice in this race. Ernest K. Lehmann's philosophy on the position is one that we find common ground with:

The Hennepin County Soil and Water Conservation District Board of Supervisors is currently spending about two times its income and is in serious difficulties. The board needs to reconsider its mission, role, function and legal authority and status, indeed its very existence.

You gotta love a guy who runs for an office with the intention of turning off the lights (permanently) when he leaves. That's how you limit government. We officially endorse the Ben F. Dickerson Award winning Ernest K. Lehmann for Hennepin County Soil & Water supervisor Seat 2.

Soil and water supervisor Seat 4 with candidates John Crampton, Stephen Jenkins, and Ryan C Wilson. I'm pretty sure that Ryan Wilson called our NARN radio show last week to pimp for votes. Anyone that desperate has a hunger that deserves to be sated. We throw our full support behind the Ryan Wilson juggernaut.

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