Thursday, October 12, 2006

Wellstone Is The School For Me?

St. Paul teacher charged with possessing child porn:

A Twin Cities teacher is now formally charged with possessing a disturbing collection of child pornography.

James Wichmann, 47, made his first court appearance Wednesday afternoon in Burnett County, Wisconsin.

A perverted criminal from Wisconsin? Who would have thunk it?

When is the government of Minnesota going to get serious about securing our eastern border anyway? This is just the latest example of the abject failure of the guest worker program. Mr. Pawlenty, build up that wall!

Investigators say a man working on Wichmann's fireplace noticed a large folder. The folder reportedly contained images of naked girls possibly between the ages of 10 and 12 performing sex acts.

As disturbing were the collection of photos with young girls faces - possibly cut out of school yearbooks - that were superimposed on naked bodies.

"Definitely, there were images of students that appeared to come from a yearbook of some sort that were super imposed over other bodies, but we can't positively identify the ages of the bodies they were superimposed on," said Burnett County Attorney Ken Kutz

Wichmann's attorney said he will plead not guilty and will argue that the images in the teacher's possession do not constitute child pornography according to a Wisconsin statute.

Wickmann is on administrative leave from the Paul and Sheila Wellstone Elementary School in Saint Paul.

Let's just hope there wasn't any Instant Messaging involved or we might have a full-blown scandal on our hands.

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