Wednesday, October 04, 2006

That Indeed Is Entertainment!

Local music writer (and ersatz "producer" of the Gear Daddies first album--btw, could you possibly add more reverb to the drums, Jim? They didn't quite sound like they were recorded in another county) Jim Walsh laments the closing of hipster mecca CBGB in New York.

After reading the comments section, it is shocking that such a cultural landmark could be shuttered:

As I recall,the place was like the brothel at the end of "Taxi-Driver".

You'd walk up this flight of stairs and enter into a relatively small, dingy bar that smelled a lot like the old Speakeasy on Hennepin.

I saw that exposed toilet sitting on a concrete slab with no doors in sight.

What is hilarious about the comments is they usually follow the above up with "But it was a transcendent place to watch live music." What some people won't do to be cool. The closing of CBGB is the best thing that could happen to the paleo-punks and poseurs who've wasted so much time in those dank, stinking confines. Maybe they'll start to grow up a little bit.

May the First Avenue crowd receive such a blessing soon.

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