Thursday, March 04, 2004

A Swing and A Miss - STRIKE!

From today’s Laura Billings Pioneer Press column, a prediction (and her wishful thinking) on the effects of the local bus drivers strike:

Instead of cursing the striking Metro Transit bus drivers for filling up the freeways and the parking ramps this morning, more and more of us may find ourselves commiserating with them.

From the front page of today’s Pioneer Press (Internet edition), an article entitled "Traffic flows smoothly on first day of strike":

The first day of a Metro Transit strike found moderate traffic for area highways.

It looked pretty average to me," said [MNDOT traffic information officer] Mary Meinert of the morning commute.

“From what I can tell, it was a non-event, just like in 1995," said [executive director of the Downtown Minneapolis Transportation Management Organization] Teresa Wernecke, referring to the strike nine years ago.

Ouch. There goes Billings’ good standing in the Psychic Friends Network. Systematically refuted by her own paper, and on the very same day her prediction appears. The shelf life of this column needs to be measured in picoseconds. An impressive standard.

Usually these press folks are a little more savvy than to reveal their wishes in advance for public chaos that could be blamed on Republican governance. Her husband should be telling her (if they are still speaking to one another) - second guessing is a much more effective strategy. For her continued viability as a gal with "20/20 insight" (as her billboard ads proclaim), I hope next time she waits a few days before telling us the sky is falling.

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