Thursday, March 04, 2004

Your Optimism Offends Me

The Bush reelection campaign's new television ads have caused quite the ruckus. At the heart of the furor is the use of some images from the 9/11 tragedy. Opponents of the President claim that he is trying to exploit these images for political advantage and this is patently ridiculous.

The 30 second ad entitled "Tested" contains a brief image (2 seconds) of the American flag with the charred remains of one of the Trade Center buildings in the background. The 30 second ad entitled "Safer, Stronger" shows this same image along with an equally brief shot (2 seconds) of firefighters carrying a flag-draped coffin. The longest of the three ads, a 60 second spot entitled "Lead", has NO images from 9/11.

The spoken text of these ads, which is getting no attention by the way, is what should be focused on here and not 6 seconds of images from 120 seconds of tape. The ads address such controversial issues as entrepreneurial spirit, freedom, growth, optimism, belief in America and Americans, rising to challenges, faith, family, sacrifice and strength of leadership. That is what this President believes in. That is what this President offers and I believe that is what Americans want to hear from their Commander in Chief.

Sadly, some will never be convinced as one critic demonstrates here:

"I would be less offended if he showed a picture of himself in front of the Statue of Liberty," said Tom Roger, whose daughter was a flight attendant on doomed American Airlines Flight 11. "But to show the horror of 9/11 in the background, that's just some advertising agency's attempt to grab people by the throat."

Mr. Roger would be "less offended" with the image of the Statue of Liberty. He'd still be offended by the President's message, just to a lesser degree.

With all due respect, Mr. Roger, George W. Bush was the President on September 11, 2001. He was faced with a challenge that no previous President had ever even dreamed of and he responded with tremendous strength, leadership and courage. You know this and the majority of the American people know this. You were just hoping that we had forgotten.

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