Hugh Hewitt: Conservative or Corporatista?
Last night, noted shock jock Hugh Hewitt, who likes to portray himself as a man of the "center-right", was interviewing Kevin Thornton from Wal-Mart to discuss the company's efforts to aid victims of Hurricane Katrina and the newly launched company blog. Radio Blogger provides a transcript:
HH: Now, as a veteran blogger, I'd like to give you two pieces of advice.
KT: Sure.
HH: Stay away from, and the
KT: I will make a note of that right now.
HH: Yeah. Never go to those sites. Never ever let people go to those sites. Don't link to them ever.
KT: Okay.
HH: All right? Because they're crazy people, and they'll ruin your reputation. Hey Kevin, good luck in this, Kevin Thornton, and it's great what you've done down there. And good luck to your associates in getting stuff back up and running. I think it's fascinating and energizing to see how Wal-Mart's responded, and hats off to $20 million dollars in contributions. Thank you, friend.
No love for us from the Wal-Mart blog? Somewhere in the wine country of California, JB's mighty heart is breaking.
Unfortunately, Radio Blogger refrained (or more likely was intimidated) from transcribing what Mr. Hewitt said after his guest left the airwaves. This self-proclaimed "man of the center-right" called on Wal-Mart to use the process of eminent domain to seize our homes in Minnesota and build Wal-Mart stores on the land.
Ladies and gentlemen (and readers of The Kool Aid Report), it's obvious that power is more important than principle for this man. Hugh Hewitt is trying to "Kelo" us into silence. And with the help of the Supreme Court and other corporate wolves in conservative clothing, I fear that he just might be able to do it.
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