Monday, September 26, 2005

The Sins of the Father

Yesterday, I realized that, in addition to rugged Conan O'Brien-esque good looks, pigmentation more conducive to burning than tanning, and the most comprehensive collection of Simpson's figurines this side of Jasperwood, my son Nathaniel will be inheriting something else from his old man. Something that will haunt him throughout his life and cause him moments of agony, frustration, and ultimately hopeless resignation. Something, like Original Sin, that is not imposed as a result of his own choosing but rather because of the actions of his fore-bearers. But something, unlike Original Sin, that there is no ultimate hope for Salvation from.

Yes, it's sad true but true. He's all of nine weeks old and he's already been baptized... a Vikings fan. And it has definitely been a baptism of fire. He's watched parts of all three games with me and learned many a lesson. Such as it's not all that fun to be sitting on dad's lap when Dante drops a fifty-three yard strike into the mitts of Troy Williamson for a TD (a lesson already well-learned by our cats during Gopher hockey telecasts). I shudder to think what else he's picking up from watching dad watch Viking games.

Although it's no doubt better than the example being set by the players themselves:

Two starting offensive linemen on the Minnesota Vikings were arrested shortly after 3 a.m. today when they refused to leave a 24-hour service station where a crowd had gathered, according to Minneapolis police.

Bryant McKinnie, 26, and Marcus Johnson, 23, were charged with disorderly conduct and obstruction of justice, which are misdemeanors, and were released from the Hennepin County jail early today after they each posted $50 bail.

Officer Ron Reier, a police spokesman, said that officers responded to a disturbance at 3 a.m. at Bobby and Steve's Auto World, a service station at 1221 Washington Ave. S. that also operates a small restaurant grill and is a late-night gathering spot after the city's bars close at 2 a.m.

Nice to see the Vikings maintaining their reputation as the most arrested team in football. Not an easy claim to make in this day and age either.

One day, Nathaniel will be able to read all about his favorite Vikings being arrested too. It's comforting to know that some traditions will always carry on.

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