Round Three: The Sinister Piffle
More on the Hitchens-Galloway throwdown from Kimberly Strassel in yesterday's WSJ:
If I had to choose two words to sum up the overwhelming impression left by this week's raucous "debate" over the Iraq war between polemicist Christopher Hitchens and British MP George Galloway, I'd have to choose the ones that came straight from Mr. Hitchens's mouth: "sinister piffle." Mr. Hitchens was of course referring to everything Mr. Galloway had said up to that point, a verbal burble that unfortunately defined too much of the evening.
She was not impressed by the debate itself:
What a letdown. Mr. Hitchens, it should be said, gave it his best shot. Famous for his erudition, the writer came armed with facts, figures and inescapable logic. He kept to the formal debate style -- "we on this side of the House hold?" -- and gently waved down those of his supporters who would heckle Mr. Galloway. He picked apart his opponent's positions and did it with wit and humor. If this had been a true "debate," any Plato, Disraeli or Webster would have handed Mr. Hitchens the win on a plate.
Judge for yourself tonight on C-SPAN at 8pm (central).
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