Monday, September 12, 2005

Sometimes A Pronto Pup Is Just A Pronto Pup

File this under "better late than never." On Saturday September 3rd, we held the 42nd Annual NARN Pronto Pup Eating Contest at the Minnesota State Fair. After sweeping the first two eating events, Patrick "The Black Hole" Campion was heavily favored to take home the title of Pronto Pup Prince. But, as the old saying goes, that's why they eat the food. You never know what's going to happen on any given Saturday.

A steady rain did not detract our competitors, the crack NARN announcing crew, or the sponsors of the event. Before the action began, Saint Paul interviewed the gal who provided the pups while those about to gorge, prepared for battle.

Once the countdown was over, the eating was fast and furious. PC went after his Pronto Pups like a Vietnamese prostitute after a popsicle and so did the Nihilist in Golf Pants. The first "gentleman" to down two of the Pronto Pups would be the winner.

But, when Mitch Berg made the call and declared the contest over, a dark horse had emerged to seize the day. Yes indeed, a new champion (whose name presently escapes me) had come along and made the Big Dog of State Fair eating look like nothing more than a wet behind the ears pup. And, unless Saint Paul's pronouncements were grossly exaggerated, in the process became the new operations manager at AM1280 The Patriot. Congratulations to the unknown eating machine. And best of luck in your new duties keeping The Patriot on the air.