Thursday, February 12, 2004

Being Wrong First, So You Don’t Have To

Soon to be seen everywhere in the blogosphere, Drudge is reporting some problems for JF Kerry and his relationship with an intern. My millisecond after the fact analysis tells me it’s no big deal. The Clinton ordeal rendered infidelity among Democratic politicians a moot point. Clinton was searching for his legacy - and that’s it.

This scandal will be limited particularly given the context of Kerry and Mrs. Heinz, who are engaged in an obvious marriage of mutual power convenience. He’ll get a few weeks of velvet hammer press abuse (length depending on how long it takes him to come clean, probably in a tearful admission of his wrong doing on Oprah), and it’ll recede, overcome by the tide of irrational hatred of GW Bush by the Democratic activist electorate.

I think it’s also clear why Howard Dean has stuck around so long, despite his third place or worse finishes across the country. He knew. Someone in his campaign had the dirt, and he’s been sitting on it for months. So, I think the next scandal will be: what did Howard Dean know and when did he know it?

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