Wednesday, February 11, 2004

The Cruel Cruel Hand Of Genes

I work in healthcare. One of the things I've come to realize is that behavior, while important in one's own health, can't hold a stethoscope to the one thing there's not a dang thing you can do anything about--genes.

Take heart disease. Yeah, it doesn't help if you eat crap and smoke and don't exercise, but that doesn't necessarily mean you'll be laid out before your time, it just means your risk goes up somewhat and that relative risk is completely dependent on the most important factor in your health, your genes.

If you were lucky enough to get some good ones, you won't have heart disease. You won't get cancer. You won't have a debilitating stroke. With the golden genes, all is good in your world. Naturally, being a modern person who buys into the Cult Of Self, you will think your good health is due to your careful diet and structured exercise program and how you always get your rest. It aint.

Why am I bringing up the incredible importance of genes? Because I just got done watching American Idol and I'm convinced that there is a direct correlation (with women anyway) between being attractive and the ability to sing exceptionally.

I often read cultural critics who claim that certain stars are only stars because they are hot, not because they can communicate effectively and convincingly to an audience, often beautifully. These critics are convinced that were it not for the woman's beauty that she would not be a star. I counter that were it not for her beauty, she would not be a convincing singer and able to resonate with so many people since her beauty is physical evidence that she also has a beautiful set of pipes too. Could it be that the ability to sing well--the way the vocal cords are laid out in a gal's throat--could it be that it is really no different than the layout of a gorgeous face: the high cheekbones, the big, deep-set eyes, the thick eye lashes, the bee-stung lips? If you have one, you have a very good chance of having the other.

Granted, there is anecdotal evidence of ugly dames who can sing well (the beautifully-toned, yet thirteen-year-old-boy looking KD Lang comes to mind). And it doesn't mean that every single hot chick is a great singer, but for the most part, it is unusual for an ugly mug to produce a gorgeous voice and if you hear a gorgeous voice there is a very good chance it will be attached to a pretty face.

The first several rounds of American Idol have shown us this first hand. If someone really sucked, chances are she was not physically exceptional. And for the other side of the coin, all you had to do was listen for a good singer while you were doing something else. Then when you looked to the tube, you saw a beauty.

I think somewhere the cultural critics know that the beautiful women are also the best singers. They just find it maddingly unfair that genes should control the pleasing quality of one's voice, especially for people who already go through life with the uncalculable advantage of being really hot.

Click here and here and oh yeah, here and here for just a few examples that prove my point.

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