Friday, February 20, 2004

The Sky Is Falling Update

Deborah Locke at the St. Paul Pioneer Press is the latest to join the chorus of "concerned" voices lamenting the ruinous conditions in Minnesota that have resulted from last year's budget accord. After laying out a laundry list of organizations and individuals that have been irreparably harmed by the cruel Republicans and their refusal to raise taxes, she launches into a high orbit of hyperbole:

It's certainly a new day in Minnesota. I haven't yet touched on food-shelf use, youth services, education and health care. A statewide food-shelf provider said that whether the happy-talk politicians want to admit it or not, many former middle-class Minnesotans are in the throes of Depression-era living. More on that next Thursday.

I can hardly wait until next Thursday to read more from Deborah. Let's look at her words more closely.


To me this indicates a significant number of people. What are the odds that Deb's piece next Thursday includes hard statistics and figures rather than just a few, possibly apocryphal, stories?

Formerly middle-class Minnesotans?

Will Deb back this up with evidence or will we just have to take her word that the people in the anecdotes she relates are/were what she says they are/were?

Throes of Depression-era living?

Personally I haven't seen too many folks selling apples by the side of the road, waiting by the thousands in line for soup, or packing up the family with all their belongings in the Ford pickup to head off to California in search of work. Maybe I'm just not hanging out in the same places as Deborah. Or maybe all those "happy-talk politicians" have gotten to me.

(Thanks to Acme for the tip)

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