Mass Musings
So I'm sitting in the church today waiting for Ash Wednesday mass to begin. My co-worker next to me suddenly leans over and whispers excitedly "We got the Bishop!". Having fasted most of the day (okay, so I had some oatmeal) I was like "Wha?" and then turned around to see the Bishop of the diocese of Winona gliding down the aisle looking resplendid in his Lenten purple.
I had not seen the Bishop before, nor knew anything about him, but my co-worker warned me "He's pretty hard core".
He began his homily with a flurry of points about what Lent Should Mean. He told people to give up birth control for Lent. To give up watching reality TV (guilty!). He then said that instead of saying the mass he could have been viewing The Passion Of The Christ at that very moment. He went on to strongly urge all Catholics to see the movie and then made a comparison between it and the Stations Of The Cross (he must be reading this blog as I made a similar comparison this past weekend).
He then laid down the Pope's pithy take on the movie: "It is as it was."
The score of the day for me was that I was able to get my ashes from the Bishop, my communion AND one of those cool little special blessings they throw out at the end as the mass is ending. All three from the Big Guy himself! I wasn't terribly crazy about the cross he made on my forehead. I mean even calling it a cross is a stretch, but I'm not complaining.
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