Monday, February 09, 2004

Free Speech, Canadian Style

Regarding the Don Cherry scandal I referenced on Sunday, seems a government investigation has begun into the crime of Cherry’s speculating that it’s “French guys and Europeans” predominantly wearing visors in the NHL. The great Mark Steyn has more:

We really do have a country where “hurtfulness” is policed. Or in the words of Jean Augustine, the junior Multiculturalism Minister (we need more than one, apparently), in her own official reaction to the Cherry outrage:

"The government will not tolerate statements that create dissonance in our society and disrespect for others."

I'm grateful to Glen Parent of Alberta for bringing those words to my attention. If I were writing a satirical novel and wished to craft a sentence for a government spokesperson that summed up the ugly, bullying intolerance of the cult of "tolerance", I'd have rejected that sentence as too crude and obvious. But it never occurred to Ms. Augustine that this might not be an appropriate formulation for a Minister of the Crown in what's supposed to be a free society.

Sometimes it seems like the good old USA has already arrived in a state of politically correct madness. But reading what’s going on in our neighbor to the North makes me feel a wee bit better. I hereby vow to not be officially despondent until we're forced get our own junior Mulitculturalism Minister.

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