Monday, February 02, 2004

Not Bad For A Novice

The first entry in the Hugh as rock/pop star contest comes from some guy named James Phillips. Judging by his e-mail (he used all capital letters), I'm guessing James is a newbie to this whole internet game and probably just figured out how to log in to his AOL account, which he signed up for after seeing those sweet Super Bowl ads. Welcome aboard James!

His first choice is a borderline rock/pop star but we'll give him a break since he's a rookie:

Andy Warhol

He warms up from there with this pretty solid call:

Howard Jones

Yet by far his most interesting submittal is:

the chick from the Thompson Twins

UPDATE: P.H. weighs in with Ed Begley Jr. It's a bit of a stretch to call him a rock/pop star, but let's not forget that he did play drummer John "Stumpy" Pepys in This Is Spinal Tap.

UPDATE II: J.S. thinks that life's been good to Hugh so far:

Joe Walsh on the right in case you're wondering.

UPDATE III: DC of Brainstorming reknown has the rather frightening suggestion of singer/songwriter:

Paul Williams

UPDATE IV: L.F. thinks it's Thomas Dolby (without the rhythm).

While D.L. might be on to something with Jefferson Airplane bassist Jack Casady.

Finally L.T. does think he's sexy when she suggests Rod Stewart on a bad hair day. Make that a very very bad hair day.

UPDATE V: T.G. checks in with David Bowie as he appeared in Dark Crystal:Labyrinth.

C.W. offers up two. The first may not actually be a rock star but the look is right. He also has the reclusive Andy Partridge from XTC and by extension Carlos the Jackal. Hmmm...

And the winner is...

J.S. who suggested Joe Walsh. Even Hugh sees that one. Drop me an e-mail J.S. and we'll get a 'Deserve Victory' bumper sticker out to you toute suite.

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