Thursday, February 05, 2004

When Did You Stop Killing Babies?

Fraters reader C.W. channels the spirit of Terry McAuliffe, and ponders what it would be like to turn the tables and ask John Kerry to prove a negative as McAuliffe and others on the left are asking Bush to do:

If McAuliffe and Kerry can take a page from the Republican playbook and insist that Bush needs to prove that he wasn't AWOL during the Vietnam war (his early 70's National Guard service -ed.), then Bush should use the Democrat playbook and declare that Kerry has to prove he wasn't committing Lt. Calley-like atrocities during his term as a baby-killin' soldier. I mean, was it guilt over his own crimes that so upset Kerry that he felt obliged to throw someone else's medals over the fence?

Since we have no record of Kerry - while he was a soldier - trying to stop any of the rapes and murders and village razings and animal mutilations that he claims were committed every day under the full awareness of all levels of military command, he was obviously a participant in said activities. Baby Killer Kerry is what I believe he was called. It must be his inherent inhumanity instead of the botox that prevents his smile from reaching his eyes. And etc.

Hey - this thinking like a DNC Chairman is pretty easy, but it sure makes a man want to take a shower.

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