Tuesday, February 14, 2006

The Biggest Loser?

Matt Drudge has uncovered evidence that the Democrats new strategy for winning elections is to accuse Republicans of being heartless, hypocritical gluttons. According to the opposition research Drudge has obtained:

In one packet titled "Newt Gingrich: 08 Watch February 2006" a picture of the former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich (R-GA) appears with -- him holding two full plates of food! The quote underneath the Gingrich photo reads "In His Own Words: Gingrich's Solution To Childhood Obesity: 'Turn off the TV, cut the fatty diet and get exercise.'

One Republican strategist who had seen the opposition research packets said: 'We should expect nothing less than name-calling and referring to one's political opponents as 'fat' from Howard Dean's Democrat Party.'

I don't know how successful a campaign of exposing buffet line decadence will be. But if taking out-of-context photos of gluttony is the key to winning, I do know the political fortunes of many of those in the Minnesota Organization of Bloggers will be fatally compromised.

For example, Derek "The Chief" from Freedom Dogs. There's no way he can possibly hope to win an election after being pictured preparing to eat a burrito the size of a three-year-old girl. Notice how he callously includes his own daughter in the picture, for purposes of scale.

Then there's Ed Morrissey of Captain's Quarters, pictured here with a demonic grin and heaping plate that clearly says to poor kids across America - let them eat potato salad!

There's yours truly at Keegans, with a look on my face that obviously says - 'hey starving kids on welfare, check out this enormous sandwich I'm eatin'. And guess what? It's my second of the night!'

There's Mitch Berg of Shot in the Dark, slipping into caloric shock after setting the Minnesota outdoor record for hot dogs eaten in an hour during a Patriot radio promotion - which was located not two blocks away from the Second Harvest Food Shelf for the Poor.

Finally, there's JB Doubtless, violently downing a Scotch Egg, which, on its face, is offensive to all Americans, no matter their political orientation.

No it wasn't Democrats that got us. 'Twas gluttony killed the MOB.

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