The Kool Aid Report follows up on yesterday's astounding report that the Fraters Libertas are "wealthy."
Learned Foot speculates that this designation wasn't the product of ignorant speculation, rather it was based on one of those personality quizzes that are so popular online these days. Answer a few questions about how JB, Chad, the Atomizer, and I would respond to certain stimulus and the result is:
You are Wealthy Wingnut
You have more money than you know what to do with, no doubt obtained from trampling on the working class, graft, bribery and embezzlement. According to most Democrats, your salary of over $45,000 per year, makes you "rich," and is way more than you "need." When you're not sipping Cristal on your yacht you are jetting off to a golf vacation in Scotland with Jack Abramoff. Because you have more money than some people, you are inherently evil.
Hey, it's based on science. How can you argue with that?
UPDATE: Dan from Northern Alliance Wannabe accepts his mantle as life of the party.
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