Tuesday, December 16, 2003

Misplaced Compassion

Comments like these from the Vatican make me embarrassed to admit I'm a Catholic:

A top Vatican cardinal said Tuesday he felt compassion for Saddam Hussein after seeing video pictures in which, the prelate claimed, American forces treated the captured Iraqi leader "like a beast."

(Cardinal Renato) Martino said he felt "compassion" for Saddam, even if he was a dictator, after seeing images of "this destroyed man" being "treated like a beast, having his teeth checked" by an American military medic.

Let's get this straight, Cardinal. Saddam Hussein deserves to be treated like a beast. He has committed acts of atrocity that would shame the likes of Hitler and Stalin and is no more deserving of compassion than the nits the Army doctor pulled out of his hair.

That said, how in the hell is examining a man's teeth treating him like a beast? Granted, I don't enjoy my twice-yearly visits to the dentist any more than you do, but I never feel as if I'm being treated like an animal when I'm sitting in the examination chair. With all due respect, Cardinal, get a freaking grip!

Feeding men into shredders feet first is treating people like beasts. Raping and beating scores of women on a regular basis is treating people like beasts. Filling mass graves with the bodies of those who dare to voice opposition to you is treating people like beasts. Giving Saddam a dental exam is merely good oral hygiene, and it's more than the filthy bastard deserves.

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