Friday, December 12, 2003

That's A Wrap

Friday. At last. A long week. Has almost wound down. We have written a lot. And now are running on fumes.

Atomizer is in deep consultations with his father over a pending legal matter. Saint Paul is off on his annual Christmas shopping extravaganza. Which usually begins and ends at the tavern two blocks from home when he stops in for "one quick tottie" and departs twelve hours later. Looks like another Christmas with gifts of cocktail napkins and pickled eggs for the family.

What better time to turn to that old standby, the trusty mailbag?

Regarding my appearance on Hugh's show Wednesday night, Shawn says he saw it all coming:

When I heard Hewitt say you were coming on, I said to my radio "Beware, Elder. The Snake is going to come after you." And right off the bat he did. First you were a little late, that didn't help. But even I was amazed at his "Bartolo Colon" question. Jesus Christ...that was majestic.

Nice to know that I'm not the only one who talks to my radio.

Next up is Tom who weighs in on winter driving among other things:

Since hearing about your fine blog on Ralphie's show, I have been a daily visitor. Low and behold, I was transferred to the Minneapolis area in October. I currently live in a fine conservative part of this country, Cincinnati (Bush 54.5%), that gets a small amount of snow each winter. Many of my Great White North colleagues claimed that I would need to "learn" how to drive in a Minnesota snowstorm, as they claimed that unlike Minnesotans, Cincinnati people didn't know how to drive in snow.

I was concerned about moving to Minnesota... Land of 10,000 Laws and Keillor and the DFL and Wellstone! I have been impressed by the people I have come to meet in Minneapolis. My first lesson in the manliness of Minnesotans (the women too) was when I tried to schedule a staff meeting the first Monday of deer season. It was the fastest and largest amount of "drop-dead" e-mail I have ever received! I like the fact that there is a liquor store on each corner and in each strip mall. That cigarettes (although I'm a non-smoker) are reasonably taxed and that people talk openly about having guns in their home.

As I'm splitting time between Minneapolis and Cincinnati, I read the Star/Tribune online when I'm in Cincinnati. Suffice to say, I was more than a bit disappointed that one Joel Stegner became the Strib's poster child for the trials and travails of Minnesotan's trying ever so wearily to trudge through the bleak prairie wilderness in light of the evil Republican withdrawal of the blessed MnDOT snowplow on overtime. Yes, Mr. Stegner, please don't vote for the governor based on your inability to account for the snow in your travel plan. (I drive from the airport to NW Minneapolis and back twice each week. It takes me 1-1/2 hours during rush hour when the roads are dry and clear.)

My concern was that I was the only person who read this article and thought, "Stegner, quit your crying and act like a man" ala Vito Corleone to his Godson Johnny. Fortunately, I found to my relief that you too recognized what a candidate for Ensite this Stegner is. Thank you and may God Bless the Coalition of the Swilling.

Very well put Tom. Who says our readers aren't the most intelligent in the blogosphere? Pipe down JB.

Speaking of deer hunting in Minnesota, it looks like a record harvest this year:

Minnesota hunters harvested a record number of deer this fall, killing more than quarter-million whitetails -- nearly 25 percent more than last year.
The 253,300 deer bagged by firearms hunters easily exceeded the previous firearms record of 229,236 set in 1992.

Who says that Minnesota hunters can't shoot straight? (By the way Hugh, thanks for explaining "How radio works" in that detailed, technical post yesterday. I was always curious.)

Sean Francis Xavier Barrett (do you think there's a chance he might be a Catholic boy?) from the The Vatican of Liberalism e-mails a request to stuff the ballot boxes in an on-line poll that his Harvard justice class is holding on same sex marriage. He's encouraging a vote for option C. Vote early vote often.

Finally fellow COTS comrade Luke Duke ponders the depths of Atomizer's dedication to music:

I don't know what is worse. Two guys going to a Semisonic concert together, or not wanting to miss the music so badly that you relieve yourself in a cup.

Ahem. For the record it was not just Atomizer and myself (not that there would be anything wrong with that) at the Semisonic State Fair concert. My wife was along as well. In fact I believe Atomizer was next to her when he "took care of business". As to the lengths that Atomizer will go to not miss a note, I won't go into detail, but let's just say that there isn't always a cup available.

Speaking of Semisonic, a very special guest will be in town to join the Fraters crew at First Avenue on Saturday night for a performance by what I regard as the best band ever to come out of Minneapolis (for the last time Atomizer, NO!, it's not The Jets!). When I say special guest, I mean special in the Special Olympics sense of the word-who would come to Minnesota from California in mid-December just to see a concert?

Right now it's a toasty nine degrees here in Minneapolis. Bring warm clothes.

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