Saturday, December 20, 2003

Why Do Fools Fall In Love?

In love with Howard Dean that is. A self-professed Deaniac explains:

You ought to listen to what the Dean community says about our candidate when we get together. One Deaniac recently told me, "It is nice to have a candidate I can be enthusiastic about instead of holding my nose and voting for." Another said, "He is the only politician who ever has motivated me." And still another: "We aren't afraid to make fools of ourselves for our candidate. And we love that!"

As I said, it is a phenomenon! Who would want to miss out on being a part of something like that?

Who indeed? Join the Deaniacs today and become a political fool. I have to admit, it's a hard message to resist.

(Thanks to Rick for the heads-up on this one.)

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