Tuesday, December 09, 2003

Nick’s Knack

I just got this in my inbox, a promotional spam from the Star Tribune:

From: FYI@startribune.com
To: saintpaul@earthlink.net
Subject: Welcome Back, Nick Coleman
Date: Dec, 9, 2003 1:44 PM

After 17 years with the Pioneer Press, columnist Nick Coleman is back where he started: at the Star Tribune.

Coleman is a St. Paul native who still lives in the city and will bring you inside the heart of Minnesota happenings. Nick has a knack for knowing what makes readers laugh... and what makes them cry, always defined by his love of our state and the people who live here.

Given his knack for making us laugh, I wonder if he wrote this email?

That’s how they’re selling him - “he’ll make us laugh, he’ll make us cry”? Is this a newspaper column or a trailer for a Julia Roberts movie? Personally, when I read the paper in the morning with my oatmeal and toast, I’d just like to get updated on the news, I can do without the wrenching emotional roller coaster that apparently is Nick Coleman’s prose.

As you may recall, Nick Coleman’s wife, Pioneer Press columnist Laura Billings, is being promoted in billboards around town as having “20/20 Insight.” Good lord, with all the guffawing, sobbing, and deep introspection going on in that house, when do they ever have time to write their columns?

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