This is the second in what will undoubtedly become an ongoing series chronicling the "devastating effects" that are being visited upon our fair state by greedy Governor Pawlenty and the fat cat Republicans' refusal to raise taxes last year. Last week the Star Tribune was wailing about the demise of the Shakespeare festival in Grand Marais. This week they're howling about the lack of snow plows in the wake of our first decent snowfall of the year:
The snowfall on Tuesday night was the metro area's first introduction to the state's money-saving snow-plowing plan. Even though it was still snowing and highways were still white, the Minnesota Department of Transportation (MnDOT) cut overnight plowing crews. From 8:30 p.m. to 3:30 a.m., plowing crews were at slightly less than half staff.
Anyone on the road Tuesday evening would have seen the trade-off.
Despite that claim that "anyone on the road" could see the trade off, all the Strib could scrounge up was one weenie from Edina:
Joel Stegner of Edina did, and he would like to tell Gov. Tim Pawlenty: "It didn't work.
"The people of Minnesota are used to a certain level of service, and it isn't there," said Stegner, a system director for market research at Fairview Health Services.
So how did this impact Mr. Stegner?
Was he injured in a horrible accident as a result of the lack of snowplowing? Thankfully, no.
Was he unable to get to the hospital to bring in a sick loved one? Guess again.
Did the lack of snowplows make it impossible for him to get to work and perform the vital duties of a system director for market research? Nope.
He couldn't get to his son's basketball game in time for the tip off (shudder of horror):
"It was very annoying to think that the reason I am missing the first half of my son's first varsity game is because of Pawlenty," said Stegner, who pays close attention to budget cuts.
Boo frickin' hoo. It might help if Stegner paid as much attention to the weather as he did budget cuts so he would have known to leave a little bit early. I expect that this will become the newest excuse for people coming to work late in Minnesota:
"It's not my fault boss. It's Pawlenty's."
On one wide-open stretch on Interstate Hwy. 94, just north of downtown Minneapolis, the white cover forced drivers to create their own lanes. Another car drove 18 inches from the side of Stegner's car. "It was incredibly stressful. It felt dangerous," he said.
Ooohhh...Was it "incredibly stressful" and "dangerous" for you Joel? It's called winter driving in Minnesota arsehole. If you can't handle the snow stay home you pathetic wimp. I try to refrain from salty language as this is a family friendly blog, but there's really only one word that properly describes Stegner. He's a pussy. Not just an ordinary pussy either. He's a f'in little whiny pussy. He is not a man.
Oh by the way, do you think he's a DFLer by any chance? (No offense intended to those DFLers who aren't pussies.)
Finally how about some huge props, for creating something out of nothing, out to Star Tribune reporter Laurie Blake who managed to take the childish bawling of one spoiled
(Editors note: The inspiration for this tirade was this morning's Bob Davis show on local radio station KSTP AM 1500. Bob has the best talk game going in the Twin Cities these days and I encourage you to give him a listen.)
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