Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Al Franken - Lying Liar?

Just yesterday in the pages of Newsweek, and corroborated in today's Star Tribune, Al Franken admitted he's considering a run for the US Senate.

Franken, the comedian and best-selling author and a native of Minnesota, said Monday that he's exploring the idea of moving back to the state to run against Republican Sen. Norm Coleman in 2008.

"Exploring"? That sounds pretty serious. Then again, so does a lot of Franken's humor. You can never tell when he’s being funny, because there's no laughter to tip you off.

Given Franken's strict adherence to the complete, unvarnished, irrefutable TRUTH in all of his remarks, I have to scratch my head over comment he made in the September 1, 2003 issue of Time. (FYI - Time Magazine charges for material more than two weeks old. So those fact checking me can either pony up the $2.50 or head over to my dentist's office. That particular issue in the waiting room, sitting on the coffee table by the front door.)

Time: Ever tempted to run for office yourself?

Al Franken: Oh, no! First of all, if I took one vote away from a serious candidate, it would be a sin. Second, I’d be a terrible President. I would be crushed by the responsibility. I’m crushed by the responsibility of writing a satirical book.

President?! Check out the big ego on Al. The Time interviewer didn’t say anything about running for President, he said running for "office." And Franken just assumed he meant President? Oh, my.

But that's beside the point. Not 60 days ago Franken said he wouldn't be a serious candidate and that it would be a "sin" for him to run for office, IMPLYING that he's engaged in some deep introspection over the question and presumably arrived at a thoughtful conclusion (i.e., he would be "terrible"). And after saying all of that, he's now telling the press he's considering a run for office?

So which is it Al? Were you lying then or are you lying now?

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