Saturday, November 08, 2003

Girls are Pretty

You're Not Sure About the Sunglasses You Bought at Walgreen's Day

You sat on your sunglasses the other day. Must have been because you just left a taping of Jesse Ventura's America, and like Jesse says, you don't have to agree with him, but you do have to think. Surely, you were thinking of something as you jumped into your Ford Taurus. But all you know now is that you weren't thinking: "I wonder if I left my sunglasses on the driver's seat?"

Snap-o. But no time for sorrow as the mental machinations began about when you can get over to Walgreen's to buy a new pair. As a youth, you made up your mind to never buy expensive sunglasses. Maybe it was the raw utilitarian argument of substance over style, maybe it was the undue influence of ZZ Top, or maybe it's just because you're a cheap SOB. But, you never pay more than $10 for sunglasses and you always buy them at Walgreen's.

Now that you own your new pair and have checked your look in the mirror while tooling around town, you come to think the lenses are a bit too small for your gigantic Irish head. And the angles at the corners are a little too severe. Sometimes you think they make you look like a slightly puffier version of Jeff Goldblum. Then other times you think you tend to look like a German, nihilist step dancer from the set of Sprockets. But then again sometimes, when the sky is in twilight and the music's just right, you look like you did in Walgreen's. Devastating.

Happy You're Not Sure About the Sunglasses You Bought at Walgreen's Day

Ed. Note - Do not be alarmed. The above does not represent a stylistic change for the infotainment presented on this fine Internet site. Instead it's a tribute to a blog called Girls are Pretty. (Scheming copyright lawyers take note, not plagiarism - it's a tribute). And the proprietor over there does this much better than I. He, she, they, THEM, I'm not sure who writes it. But it doesn't matter, it's great. A little piece of funny, sad, sweet, provocative, poignant fiction nearly every day and a welcome respite from the grind of the news cycle.

Pending a successful negotiation with the Elder, perhaps it will be appearing on the Fraters blogroll soon. That is, if I can get him off his weird fixation with Mark Borchardt and convince him to take the bolt cutters to that link. I mean sure, it's mildly amusing. But the guy posts twice a month. And even then, his posts are devoted to making excuses as to why he's not posting. And we've already got a guy on the blogroll covering that beat.

Girls are Pretty was brought to my attention via the highly exclusive Exiled on Blog Street blogroll. Proprietor Bill Tuomala is on vacation (he mentioned something about reading The Odyssey in classical Greek on board a three-masted schooner off the island of Chios), so I suspect he won't mind me ripping him off. Or at least he won't know about it. There ain't no Internet off the island of Chios.

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