Friday, November 28, 2003

Totally Different Babies

Let the record show that the "Baby" I begged to come back in my post on Thanksgiving has no relation to the the Elder or the "Baby" he referred to in the title of his post ealrier today, in the context of him coming back.

This title related similarity is coincidental and does not provide evidence of an unhealthy level of affection between us. Instead, it's definitive evidence that he doesn't read anybody else's posts but his own.

In truth, we barely tolerate each other. If it wasn't for the Atomizer's constant Colin Powell-like attempts at diplomatic reconcillation, we'd already be mired in open posting related warfare. I've got a 5,000 word essay ready to go lambasting his reprehensibly naive stance toward the capital gains tax and he's one misstep away from seeing it published.

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