Cal-i-for-nia Here They Come
Desperately clinging to the thinnest of reeds, Ben from Infinite Monkeys tries to defend the tattered honor of his state by pointing out that the wacko who drew up the Bolinas measure was originally from Minnesota.
But rather then buttress his faltering position it merely reinforces mine. This wack job left Minnesota. Why? Minnesota was not nut-baggy enough for her. Where does she go? California naturally. Your state is a magnet for these divorced from reality types. Like moths to the flame, they're irresistibly drawn to lunacy that is the Golden State.
It happens all the time. Sometimes they come from Minnesota. Sometimes they come from Ohio. They just keep coming.
By no means am I say thing all Californians are Chablis sipping kook jobs. But you have to admit that you've got a far higher percentage than any other state. I'm happy for you guys and this whole "Inland Empire" thing you've got going. Maybe it's time to start talking about a new state of your own. 'Cause another Greyhound just left the depot here in Minneapolis with a full load of the looniest of our loons. And you know where they're headed.
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