An Army Of One
Friend of Fraters T.S. is traveling abroad and files this report from London:
Visited parliament and Big Ben last night and saw a block's worth of protesting placards across the street. Funny thing was that I couldn't see anyone attending them. These banners were 10 feet tall and were of the usual variety. The most obvious one was the representation of the flag over 15' long with the stars arranged like a swastika. I struck up a conversation with a bobby guarding parliament across the street from the banners. He said that this protest was the work of one lunatic - so much for the masses of protesters. The bobbies were quite upset about this guy - he has apparently been set-up there for 80 some days. They have gone to court to try to get him out, but free speech being what it is - he said they were too "fluffy" there. Eventually he pointed out the lunatic curled up sleeping amid the chaos. There have been a few instances of the man being assaulted by upset Britons or Americans - upset primarily about the flag desecration. The bobby explained that they never see anything - he wasn't sure how that happened. Must have turned their backs at just the wrong moment.
Or at just the right moment.
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