Tuesday, November 04, 2003

Ta Ta Tuttle

In reading the piece about singles in the metro area I have to say that this Tuttle woman made a rather ridicously stupid comment when she said:

Not according to Tuttle, who came here from Kansas and would love to find just one guy like that. For a woman with a doctorate, she said, a lot of Minnesota men just don't quite cut it.

"I'm not an ice fishing/snowmobile babe," she said. "We need more 'Queer Eye for the Straight Guy' kinds of guys who know clothes and go to Solera, not Applebee's, and are one or two standard deviations above the norm."

Yeah, snomobiling and ice fishing, that's exactly what men in the Twin Cities do. This isn't Ely for chrissakes! It's the typical attitude of someone who does not understand the Twin Cities culture at all. (Like the guy that says Minne-so-cold--please. stop. now.) News flash for this dame: not many men in the Twin Cities area actually engage in these activities. Most of them are college-edumacated and spend their time doing all the smart upscale things you want them to be doing.

They are just doing them without you.

What you are asking for is a metrosexual and there are plenty of them here. They are more than ready to have you lead them around by the nose. They love the fact that you have a masters degree (which we all know makes you smart). They would leap at the opportunity to stay home with your children while you work your important job. They will be more than happy to let you go out and get loaded on raspberry margaritas with your girlfriends on Thursday and do the laundry while you're gone. They will let YOU drive the SUV when you go out together. They will never raise their voice to you or tell you a "man's" perspective. Like I said, there are plenty of these metrosexuals available. There's only one catch, dollface. As womanly as these men are, they still want a dame that, hmmm...how to put this, doesn't make Laura Ingraham look like Shania Twain.

And I'm afraid you just aint bringing that to the table.

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