Sunday, November 02, 2003

Good Times

The folks at Nye's Bar in Nordeast Minneapolis were in for quite a treat last night. Witty, urbane, informed commentary on all the key issues of the day. Both the weighty and the flighty were covered, and all in an immensely entertaining fashion. And no, I'm not talking just about geriatric piano diva Lou Snider's between song patter.

Instead, I and a few friends and friendly acquaintances gathered in the Polonaise Room on this crisp November evening for strong drink and stronger conversation. And I'll be damned if we didn't just about figure everything out. Iraq quagmire hypotheses, the Israeli-Palestinian dust up, the existence and proliferation of liberal media bias, the progression of Star Trek incarnations as metaphor for evolving US foreign policy objectives, and of course the question that haunts the Twin Cities commuting pubic, just What Would Wellstone Do?

Sadly, I'm not able to divulge the answers to these questions to the wider public. I have a certain responsibility to those in involved and those observing our conversation at Nye's to keep what was said confidential and exclusive. It is highly exclusive too. Only six of us at the table and I'm not sure how many spectators took note of the proceedings, though I suspect only a precious few. We did have a table right down front, but the piano bar's chronically croaked out karaoke from the American standard catalog held most of the crowd's attention.

Too bad, since the assembled multitude had the rare opportunity to see something amazing. As I characterized it to JB at one point in the evening "here we sit, four of the greatest blogging personalities in the world - Tim Blair, James Lileks, ..... and JB Doubtless and Saint Paul of Fraters Libertas." (I accepted JB's arched eyebrows and quizzical glance at this comment as his awe-filled acceptance of the grandeur of the spectacle.)

Aussie blogger extraordinaire Tim Blair is on his driving tour of the USA and the Twin Cities were lucky enough to be on his itinerary. James Lileks was hosting him for the evening, and Doubtless and I were along for tonight's trip, along with Lilieks friends, the Giant Swede and the Crazy Uke.

As most of you know from reading his site, Tim Blair is an intelligent, articulate conservative commentator. And in person he's one hell of a stand up bloke as well. Quick witted, welcoming, all around great guy (which also provided a nice contrast to JB Doubtless's contributions). And of course Lileks and his pals were typically entertaining and thought provoking as well. All in all, a great night, and I was glad to be there, in what may turn out to be the ultimate nexus of blogosphere-related icons in Twin Cities history. That is, until Mitch Berg and the Pioneer Press Weather Blog guy finally get together for that symposium on cumulonimbus clouds they've been threatening.

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