Wednesday, December 03, 2003

No Longer A Question Of If, But Of When

Long time fans have seen it coming for some time now. The signs are there for all to see. The unstoppable march of time has taken its toll on a once vigorous, youthful man. Decreased motor skills, diminished mental capacities, memory loss, and an increasing tendency to ramble incoherently. It's never easy to watch someone you admire fall victim to the ravages of old age, and it's even tougher when the time arrives for that individual to accept their fate and retire from public life.

No, I'm not talking about Minnesota Senator Mark Dayton although that would be a good guess. Sadly I speak of your radio hero and mine Hugh Hewitt.

Hugh's had an incredible run and is to be commended for it. But even he has come to the realization that he has lost the battle with Father Time. The shoulder injury, getting lost in the KRAL studios more and more often, not being able to eat his beloved Cheetos unless they are blended into a liquid form (mmm...Cheeto smoothie), and most of all, the inability to control his bladder during his three hour radio broadcast ("Moses get the mop again!") have finally convinced Hugh that the time has come to hang it up.

Having young Matthew Gordon in the studio with him yesterday and today is a thinly veiled attempt to groom a successor (to be molded in his own graven image no doubt). And Hugh should be rightly credited for his effort to ensure his legacy. While Matthew is still a tad rough around the edges and still a little wet behind the ears, he appears to have what it takes to fill Hugh's very large orthopedic shoes.

So the question for the legions of devoted fans of Hugh's show is not if Matthew will take over the reigns but when. And as a service for all those who have made Hugh a part of their lives, almost a part of their families, as all of us have, we offer the following poll so that your feelings may be heard:
How long should the transition of power from Hugh Hewitt to Matthew Gordon take?
One year (if Hugh can last that long)
Six months (Hugh won't be eligible for Medicare until then)
Three months (just long enough for a Hugh farewell tour)
Right now (Hugh's done, turn the mike over to the kid)
Free polls from

The staff here at Fraters Libertas believes that three months is the proper transition schedule. It will give us a chance to see Hugh one last time on his farewell tour and thank him for all he has done for us over the years. In fact we've already started to take up a collection around the office so that we may present Hugh with a commemorative rocking chair so that he can enjoy his days at Del Boca Vista in ease.

Old radio hosts never die, they just fade away...

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