Friday, October 03, 2003

Another Thursday Night (yawn) Another Trivia Title

Under less than ideal conditions, the Twins game in the background and a bar manager seemingly unable to properly annunciate words with more than one syllable, the Fraters team once again cruised to victory at Keegan's Thursday pub trivia challenge. Well maybe cruised isn't the best way to describe it. We managed to correctly answer only seventeen of the twenty five questions posed (which still was enough for a comfortable margin of victory) but of the eight questions we missed five concerned the Emmy's. As Matthew LeCroy might say, "Who the foot watches the Emmy's?".

The three non-Emmy questions we whiffed on were:

What year did Peggy Sue go back to in the 1986 movie 'Peggy Sue Got Married'?

What classic rock song was featured in the opening scene of 'Bull Durham'?

How many albums must be sold for a record to be classified as "diamond"?

In lieu of free drink tickets our prize for finishing first was a Boddingtons glass for each of us. The glasses are quite nice but the joy of victory was tarnished a bit when we realized that they were free promotional items that the pub didn't have to pay for. It's not quite as sweet unless you know you're taking something out of Terry's hide (or his wallet) when you win.

The evening was also notable for the absence of Atomizer on the squad. Apparently the television at Keegan's wasn't big enough for him (you really need to get over your whole size hang-up Atomizer) and so he went to a sports bar to watch the Twins game leaving his teammates in the lurch. I guess there's just no team in Atomizer. Sorry, I guess I'll have to pull out another sports cliche that fits. Is Joe Morgan available?

Luckily Saint Paul was able to make a last minute roster substitution and his friend Mike was available to fill the gap. His presense proved critical to our success when he nailed Tyne Daly (please let me never type those three words together again) as the correct response to a question on the winner of the best supporting actress in a drama. Who knew he was such a big 'Judging Amy' fan? I guess you learn a lot about a guy when you play trivia with him.

And truth be told we probably didn't miss Atomizer that much. Yes, he might have gotten the 'Bull Durham' question and could have possibly helped with some of the Emmy related queries (he never misses an episode of 'Will and Grace') but the one question of the evening that was really in his wheelhouse (thanks Joe),

What group did Spin magazine say was the Elvis of punk rock?

also happened to fall right into JB's area of critical expertise. It appears that we might have a little controversy brewing. By not suiting up last night Atomizer may just become the Wally Pip of trivia.

For the curious among you it was 1960, 'Rock Around The Clock', and 10 million.

Oh, the Elvis of punk rock? JB's all time fav of course, the Sex Pistols.

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