I've Got Your Hatred Right Here
I will say it. I hate the Yankees. No, JB, this doesn't conflict with my conservative political philosophy and it isn't because I'm jealous of their talent or that I resent their inflated budget or any B.S. like that. There are some teams in sports that I just hate.
I hate the Dallas Cowboys. I hate the Green Bay Packers. I also hate the Atlanta Braves, the Chicago Cubs, the Cleveland Indians and the New York Yankees. I love to see these teams lose and I love to see their fans upset. If it has to be the Red Sox that make this possible, so be it. I have less hatred for Boston than I do for N.Y. If it has to be the Marlins that eventually eliminate the Yankees, great. I have no shortage of hatred, but I can't seem to muster up much for them.
Part of the joy of watching sports is cheering against those teams that you dislike. That is why I will be pulling for A.B.Y. (Anybody But the Yankees) for the remainder of the post season.
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