The Harmless Fuzzball...Etc.
So I tune in Rush today to hear him explain why he quit ESPN...and he's on vacation? What a wuss. Come on Rush, your fans were expecting you to explain yourself and you go on "vacation"? I've been a Rush listener since '88 and I've never known him to be weak. Until now.
It's possible he would have been on vacation anyway, but he needed to speak to his people...and he didn't.
Sean Hannity is overdriving his headlights. To wit: he's guest starring on tonight's new ABC drama Threat Matrix, as himself. The guy is a capable if extrordinarily dull talk show host. He has that WASPy, golf and Dockers, aren't-those-liberals-crazy thing going which makes conservatives look like a pack of suburban, white bread doofuses. He can't hold a candle to Prager or Medved and he would never hold up going mano-a-cheeto against Hugh.
Here's the plot:
"Dr. Germ"
Germ warfare becomes personal when Kilmer risks exposure to an extremely deadly gas in order to stop a widespread catastrophe. Sean Hannity guest stars as himself.
What is amazing is how the producers of a show will let damn near anyone appear if they think they'll bring some "numbers". (I won't accuse the Elder of this behavior with his linking). Basically any dork who has any kind of national following at all could live out his life-long dream of appearing in a prime time TV show.
I'm listening to Medved right now and he is being very gracious in his praise of Rush. Like Hugh, he freely acknowledges that Rush is the reason talk radio is where it is and he is defending the good name of the best broadcaster we'll probably ever hear...even if El Rushbo did wuss out today.
He's also discussing the National Inquirer story about how Rush is addicted to pain pills, soon to be breaking news. As Drudge would say, developing...
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