Friday, October 03, 2003

McNabb Issue A Smokescreen For A Guilty Limbaugh

I am listening to Rush right now and I have to say he sounds guilty on the drug issue. Hes basically the opposite of the I Didnt Do It Boy: no denials of being hooked on drugs and purchasing them illegally. No counter accusations of this being a bunch of hooey. The only thing he said is that he will speak about this when I know what I am dealing with down there.

An idea: perhaps Rush created this little McNabb firestorm as a distraction from the drug story he knew was about to break. Rush is way too savvy to open a can of worms like even mentioning the word race on ESPN. So either he did something really stupid, and he aint stupid, or he did this for other reasons.

The more I listen to Rush the more plausible this explanation is. He is acting like the McNabb thing matters at this point. Hey Rush, it dont. You are being accused of illegally buying drugs, specifically Oxycontin--a drug that people have been holding up pharmacies at gunpoint for. The McNabb thing is over. You quit. Its done. What do you have to say about this drug business?

Also, is he afraid to return to Florida? Normally, he would be back at his palatial estate by now since he always says he is not a big fan of New York. Will he be arrested if he comes back?

For those of you who are sending Rush encouraging e-mails right now I am a little confused as to what you think you are supporting. We should be clear that buying illegal Oxycontins is as bad as buying any other illegal drugs and definitely worse than buying weed.

I love El Rushbo, but things do not look good for him and he needs to shut up about this McNabb distraction and tell us the truth about the drugs.

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