Saturday, January 17, 2004

Anxiety Running Hot And Cold

The faucets in my bathroom are driving me batty. They are of the old-fashioned handle variety and dispense water by turning said handles inward.

The problem is that the hot and cold handles are not properly calibrated. For example, you need to turn the hot approximately 20 degrees from it's base to get the water to begin. However, the cold needs to go more like 45 degrees to start flowing. As you can imagine, the complete lack of symmetry of the two handles is cause for much anxiety in the morning when shaving.

When shaving, the proper control of hot and cold is imperative and if the hot handle is set perfectly on the one side, the cold should properly match and since it doesn't, I end up variously burning the hell out of myself and failing to get the water hot enough to properly dispose of the morning's offending whiskers.

Sadly, my plumbing skills are to say the least severely limited. Maybe if I got up a little earlier, boiled a pot of hot water, drew a pitcher of cold water then combined them in a large pan--yes! I will try that. And I know you are all dying to know what happens, so stay tuned...

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