A Critical Day In The Midwest
No, I'm not talking about that dog and pony show in the cornfields, where a small group of men in Pioneer feed caps and women sporting hairstyles that were already dated in 1983, will decide the fate of at least of a couple of the Democratic Party contenders tonight. I speak of course of the voting in the Midwest Regional to determine who will move on the Road to St. Paul.
In one contest, Freddie "The Beadle" Barnes seeded seventh, will try to avoid joining fellow Beltway Boy Morton Kondracke in the losers circle. He faces off against the tenth seeded Emmett of the Unblinking Eye, who no doubt will use the power of his well known web site (nice frames) to rally support.
The other showdown pits the rapid fire rapier wit of the carnivorous #2 seed James Lileks against the mumbling, stumbling, bumbling delivery of Kathryn Jean Lopez from National Review Online, seeded fifteenth.
Voting in the Midwest Regional closes Tuesday morning.