Slash And Burn, Return, Listen To Dean Churn
Howard Dean may have lost his front runner status in Iowa, but his message still bears our scrutiny.
Consider this entry from the Dean campaign's website (no permalinks here, so scroll down to the "Stand With Howard Dean" entry):
This election is about power. It's about who owns our country -- and who's running it.
Now, take a look at this bit from the Bush campaign's website:
Whether our country continues on this path of expanding prosperity and defeating the enemies of freedom depends on the outcome of this Presidential election.
This comparison spells out quite clearly the absurdity of the Dean campaign. In Howard Dean's mind this election is not about the security of our nation. It's not about protecting the American people from those who wish us harm. It's not even about our economic security. It's about power. It's about defeating George Bush at any cost. It's about blood-boiling, fist-pounding, sphygmomanometer bursting anger. Most of all, however, it's about Howard Dean.
The folks in Iowa have rejected Dean's churlish, arrogant and divisive message. I expect the voters in New Hampshire to follow suit.
The Dean entry that I linked to above has been removed. I'll leave it to you to wonder why. And no, Mr Gisleson, I'm not so arrogant to think that my post on this "tiresome" blog had anything to do with it. I'm just pointing out a fact. I'm assuming, here, that you are familiar with these troublesome little things we call "facts".
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