Wednesday, January 21, 2004

The Contractual Consequences of Moonlighting

My cameo appearance last night in the comments section of the wildly popular Captain’s Quarters has caused a firestorm of controversy in the Fraters home office. The Elder got the legal team together and with his high powered electron microscope showed me the fine print of my indentured servitude contract does include a non compete clause. The fact that Instapundit quoted a line from my ramblings, and linked it to someone else’s site, triggers an additional set of penalty provisions.

The Elder’s main concern of course is brand image. Without our normal editorial review by the fact checkers, logic architects, and expert grammarians, my irresponsible rhetoric could erode the value of Fraters Libertas, Inc. and jeopardize the Elder’s imminent purchase of that beach front property in the Caymans. Since I don’t want to be held responsible for the fading of his George Hamilton-like tan (which triggers a whole other set of penalty provisions), I’m capitulating to his terms. The first of which is the publishing of my CQ comments on this site.

(Since a comment by Amy Lopez was imbedded with my own, she’s published here as well. Of course, that provides her implied consent to all terms of a Fraters indentured servitude contract for herself. Welcome to the Farm baby. We need your Fisking of the latest Doug Grow by 1:00 PM today.)


8:08 I'm going to post as I watch the Captain watch the State of the Union Address. Hope you don't mind.

8:09 He seems bored so far. Hope things pick up.

8:10 the camera is lingering on a prologned conversation between Mark Kennedy and Donald Rumsfeld. I wonder what they're talking about. I wonder if the Captain saw that?

8:16 Condi Rice looks good. They guy next to her looks like a runty Kirby Puckett. I hope that's not her date. She can do better than that. Heck, she could be dating a runty Chili Davis.

8:20 Good point by the Captain about the comforting display of manners by all involved during Bush's entrance. Of couse, this lasted until the President's first line, which yielded a bloated, scoffing Ted Kennedy to shake his huge head and laugh with incredulity.

8:26 Personal note, Denis Hastert looks just like the guy that runs my company's IT department.

8:29 Speaking of Seperated at births, there's a debate raging in my email inbox about who Iraqi president designate Pachachi (who's on the screen now) more looks like, Walter Mondale or Dick Armey. I say the latter.

8:32 However, everyone agrees that Dick Lugar looks like a catcher's mitt.

The facial profile of Donald Rumsfeld. Someone once described him as the only person in the world who can jut out his chin while looking down his nose at you. It's true, that's what he looks like.

8:37 Rug watch: Byron Dorgan (D-ND), no question about it, fake hair.

For some reason people are wildly clapping about El Salvador's participation in the war on terrorism.

Rug Watch - John Warner (D-VA), egregiously fake hair.

8:45 A Republican president bragging about a 36% increase in Federal spending on education. I join the Democrats in sitting on my hands for that one. If only I were bloated, I could do a Ted Kennedy impression.

8:48 - "America's many fine Community Colleges" - BUSH LIES!!!!!

8:50 "Make the Social security system a source of ......" I thought he was going to do some Kennedy-esque alliteration, but then he started using some other constanants. Another opportunity wasted.

8:55 Free wellness exams and diabetes screenings for seniors - not exactly a platform to counteract Democratic scare tactics about throwing Grandma into the street. Nobody cares about it - wasted spending.

[Amy Lopez - all screen shots of Teddy, he looks as if he is barely making it through fighting last nights bender in Iowa.. The first glimpse onFox I thought he was going to blow chunks. ]

9:01 - A call for action among pro sports to get the players off the juice. Strange detour. I'll check my Consitution for the provision allowing federal authority over this. They just showed NE QB Tom Brady and he's smirking. What does he know?

That's it. Thanks Cap, for allowing me to tag along. I'll be doing some live fisking of WB's "In the House" (starring LL Cool J) over in Mitch Berg's comments section later tonight. See you there.

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